Restorative Dentistry – Dedham, MA

Rebuilding Injured or Decayed Teeth

Man and woman with healthy smiles


Teeth are strong but far from indestructible. They can be broken due to physical trauma, or they might become decayed thanks to attacks from oral bacteria. Since teeth lack the means to heal themselves, you need to ask your dentist to repair them with a customized restoration. Call our dental office today to set up a consultation with Dr. Patil and see what kind of options for restorative dentistry we offer to renew the health and function of your smile.


Why Choose Dr. Gauri Patil Family Dentistry for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Same-Day Crowns Offered
  • No-Mess Digital Impression System
  • Dental Office That’s Been Around for Decades


Tooth-Colored Fillings

Animated smile with filling

To treat cavities, we have to remove the decayed parts of the tooth. The part that was taken out then needs to be replaced, which is where fillings come in. Our fillings are made from composite resin, a tooth-colored material that can be made to blend in with the rest of the enamel. A major advantage of tooth-colored fillings is that they bond directly to the surface of the tooth, so there’s no need to make any undercutting to place them; this lets us save more of your tooth’s natural structure.

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Dental Crowns

Animated dental crown being placed

Dental crowns are used to treat severely damaged teeth, as opposed to fillings that are normally used for minor tooth decay and other damage. Our crowns are made out of zirconia, a tooth-colored material that can last a very long time in your mouth with the right maintenance. Your crown will be customized to match the size, shape, and color of the rest of your teeth so that you can confidently show off a natural-looking smile once the treatment is complete.

Learn More About Dental Crowns