Cosmetic Dentistry – Dedham, MA

How We Can Help Your Smile Shine

Dentist examining patient's smile

Once you’re sure that your mouth is in good condition, you can think about changing some of the aspects of your smile that have always bothered you. After all, how can you show off a winning grin at job interviews or important social events when you’re embarrassed about how your teeth look? Dr. Patil can put together a custom plan for cosmetic dentistry based on the specific smile changes you want to make, so get in touch with us today if you’re ready for a new and improved smile.

Why Choose Dr. Gauri Patil Family Dentistry for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • State-of-the-Art Virtual Smile Design
  • Long-Lasting Veneers and Metal-Free Crowns
  • In-Office and At-Home Whitening Options

Porcelain Veneers

Animated veneer placement

Veneers are one of the most versatile forms of cosmetic dentistry available. They can be used to correct all kinds of imperfections – including stains, chips, cracks, and certain spaces between the teeth – in one fell swoop. The treatment usually takes two appointments; the first is spent preparing the enamel, and at the second, the veneers (thin sheaths of material) are placed on the front of the teeth, completely hiding any flaws from view. We often recommend veneers to those who are looking to significantly transform their smiles.

Learn More About Porcelain Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Crowns

Woman's smile compared to dental shade options

Has the thought of being stuck with a piece of highly visible metal in your smile discouraged you from getting a dental crown? Dr. Patil has a much more image-friendly way to repair your tooth thanks to metal-free zirconia crowns. Zirconia is a material that very closely matches the color and light-reflecting properties of real teeth. When a zirconia crown is color-matched to your smile and designed to match the shape and size of your other teeth, many people won’t be able to tell you ever needed dental work.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Model tooth and cosmetic dental bonding material

Cosmetic bonding is often offered as an alternative to veneers when you’re looking for an affordable way to make a few minor corrections to your smile. A small amount of composite resin is applied to the tooth to cover up small chips and other minor flaws. The resin can be molded and shaded to blend in with the rest of the tooth, maintaining its natural appearance. The procedure can be completed in just one visit and can dramatically improve your smile with even the smallest of improvements.

Teeth Whitening

Patient receiving teeth whitening

Whitening is one of the most commonly requested procedures in cosmetic dentistry. After all, teeth that have become discolored or stained are all too common, and you’ll want your smile to be as bright as possible to make a dazzling first impression. Our dental office utilizes KOR in-practice whitening along with professional-grade take-home kits. Both types of whitening use more potent ingredients than what you might find in over-the-counter whitening products; as a result, our treatments can help remove stains above and below your enamel.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Gum Recontouring

Animated gummy smile

With the gum recontouring process, we can gently remove any excess gum tissue from your mouth to create a more balanced gum line. The gums should help frame your smile without attracting too much attention; if they’re too large or cover up more of the teeth than they should, they can make your grin look “gummy.” With gum recontouring, we can reshape the gums and make sure that all eyes are drawn to your teeth when you pull back your lips to smile.

Botox/Dermal Fillers

Woman with smooth skin

In addition to your teeth and gums, the rest of your face can affect the way people perceive your smile. If you’re looking for a way to decrease wrinkles and fine lines, you may have already considered BOTOX® and dermal fillers as treatment options. However, what you may not have realized is that these services are offered by your Dedham dentist! If you schedule a consultation with Dr. Patil, she can help you smooth out your skin for a more youthful facial appearance.

Virtual Smile Design

Woman looking at smile on tablet computer

Any cosmetic procedure relies on good planning as well as a firm idea of what the results will look like once the treatment is complete. With our virtual smile design software, we can simulate whitening, veneers, and other cosmetic treatments, then show you what you can expect once the procedure is complete. This can help you set realistic expectations and make informed decisions about whether or not cosmetic dentistry is the right choice for you.